Creativity is a fundamental aspect of being human.
The most frequent comments I hear from adults are, “I’m not creative” or “I can’t draw”. I’ve heard many variations of these stories. It’s surprising how many adults believe they can’t be creative especially when it comes to creating art of any kind. I’ve worked with many people who believe this mis-truth and they’ve discovered the happy truth – they are creative and they can make art. I worked with a man in his mid-90s who amazingly had never used a pencil or writing implement in his life. After only a few hours he was expressing himself on paper and was so proud of what he had created. His family reported how he had found this experience completely transforming. Age is no barrier to creativity. The messages we send ourselves become the limiting factor that holds us back.
Pennie Brownlee (2016) in her book Magic Places points out that our creativity depends on which Creation Story we are running – “I can” or “I can’t”. We all begin life with the “I can” story and as we get older this changes primarily because of the stories we are told by other people. Brownlee stresses that it doesn’t matter how old you are it is never too late to revisit, revise, even re-write your “I can’t” story.
Creativity comes from within and it is not something that can be imposed on us from the outside. It connects us to our sense of meaning and it provides a way for us to communicate this to others. Changing our story to “I can” is vital to our wellBeing.
What is Creative Arts Therapy
Creative Arts Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses the arts and the creative process. You are not alone – you will be supported by a qualified professional arts therapist who is attentive, and non-judgmental.
The great thing about this form of therapy is that whatever you create is able to safely hold your experiences no matter how big or small these may be. They will hold everything you want to throw at them – all those things that you are holding so tightly inside you.
Through your art making you are given permission to be curious, playful, experimental, and vulnerable. You’ll discover ways to express unconscious material that is often difficult to put into words. People are often surprised by what comes up. You get the opportunity to explore your inner world and observe it from different perspectives. Throughout the whole process things will reveal themselves to you that you can then relate to your life.
My approach to Creative Arts Therapy is holistic, integrating your psychological, emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual wellBeing.
The best way to understand how Creative Arts Therapy can work for you is to experience it for yourself. It is important to understand it is not a quick fix. Like everything, it takes time and commitment on your part.
Each session is unique, just like you.
Get in touch for a free 30 minute discovery call to see if this is a good fit for you.
About Marica
My Creative Arts Therapy journey began when someone gifted me a journal when my 10 year old son was diagnosed with leukaemia.
That was 30 years ago!
I began by writing every day in this journal about what I was feeling. I didn’t judge what I was writing. I poured everything inside me on to the paper. I filled the journal that was gifted to me and many others. Eventually I needed more than words and I started exploring visual journaling. I started making marks in my journal expressing what I was feeling. I added images I’d collected before I ever understood the power of collage. I experimented in my journals and it was incredibly therapeutic.
This unleashed a whole new form of creative expression for me that has continued to evolve to this day. My art making is now a fundamental aspect of my life and who I am. It is very important to my wellBeing and a critical self-care practice.
I grew up in a migrant family. I have a deep understanding of what it means growing up with a different cultural background to others around me. English wasn’t my first language – Croatian was. This forced me to learn to communicate in different ways to be able to form connections with others. I‘ve worked hard to try to understand who I am and who I aspire to be. This informs my work with others. It helps me to focus on your unique needs and the impact life might be having on you at a deep soul level. Unlocking all of this so you can discover the best version of you brings me joy.
I’m not an empty vessel. I have lived. I have experienced a lot. Throughout my life I’ve relied on my creativity to process, heal, and transform myself. This has enriched me in ways that still astound me. My journey of self-discovery still continues. I believe it always will, until my last breath.
My qualifications include:
- Master of Arts in Arts Therapy (Clinical) with First Class Honours
- Master of Communications with Distinction
- Bachelor of Science
- Diploma of Teaching
I am a professional member of ANZACATA (Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association).
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Individual Sessions
Seeking 1-1 support to express, make sense of, and transition through life experiences using the creative process.
Group Sessions
Seeking connection with others while expressing and processing in a collaborative and safe environment.
Workplace WellBeing
Team and individual opportunities to help build the wellBeing, resilience, and performance of your people so they feel supported, engaged, and proactive.